Gen 2 Temperature Sensor Disrupts CRE & Smart Buildings

At Disruptive Technologies, our innovative wireless sensors are the heart of our solution. Our sensors are tiny, powerful, and empower the development and deployment of innovative solutions for smart buildings and facilities management.
All of our sensors have a 15-year battery life, IP68 robust design, tiny size (19 x 19 x 2.5 mm), and weigh just 2 grams. They also come with adhesive backing for easy installation, can be placed exactly where you need them, and have end-to-end encryption connectivity from A-grade, 3rd party security review.
Our temperature sensor is one of our most popular and versatile sensors. It measures the surrounding temperature and transmits its readings every 15 minutes to our Cloud Connector. The temperature sensor has led to proven energy efficiency & optimization, occupancy, cold storage, and sustainability gains for our customers.
Inspired by our customer’s needs for even more granular data, we created our Gen 2 Temperature Sensor with logging capabilities, an updated version of our original temperature sensor. This new sensor provides more data points than any of our other sensors.
More data points mean you can catch more rapid changes in temperature and get more accurate condition detections. Any temperature use case benefits from higher data accuracy. To date, we’ve seen the most benefits in four main applications: water pipe monitoring for legionella compliance, motor & pump monitoring, cold storage, and desk occupancy.
How Does the Gen 2 Temperature Sensor Work?
With our Gen 2 Wireless Temperature Sensor, we aim to set a new standard for energy-efficient temperature measurements. The sensor can deliver more than 15 million data points while achieving the same 15-year battery life as the previous generation sensor. That is 30 times more data points, in the same form factor and size.
With this increased sample rate and accumulated data points, this sensor was created with Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in mind.
The new temperature sensor has three distinct software configurable modes:
- Sampling Mode: In this mode, the sensor will measure the temperature and transmit the value to the Cloud at a fixed interval i.e. sensed values will represent a “heartbeat”.
- Logging Mode: In the logging mode, the sensor measures temperature at a user-configurable interval down to 30 seconds, stores the data on-device, and transmits a collection of data points to the Cloud at a fixed interval. Hence, this mode can tailor data rates to the needs of the application.
- Triggering Mode: The triggering mode allows the sensor to send messages only once the temperature reading has exceeded, or gone below, a user-configurable temperature limit. Hence, this mode transmits data only when needed, which economizes bandwidth and energy.
These three modes make our Gen 2 temperature sensor the most versatile wireless sensor on the market. Specifically, with the new configurable logging and triggering capabilities, solution partners and system integrators will have opportunities to support even more detailed deployment requirements at very low effort and cost.
What Can You Do With The Gen 2 Temperature Sensor?

We expect the new wireless sensor to be deployed in a very rich set of use cases within the intelligent buildings environment. Through our conversations with partners and customers, we have identified four main areas where the new sensor provides added value over state-of-the-art deployments:
- Water pipe monitoring: The sensor’s increased measurement frequency will make it possible to catch rapid changes in water temperature, making legionella prevention even more timely and accurate.
- Motor & pump monitoring: The detection of faults and abnormalities in the operation of electrical motors and pumps is commonly based on ML and AI models for anomaly detection. The new sensor will provide a richer and more dense set of data points for the training, testing, validation, and operation of such models.
- Cold Storage: Cold storage intelligence hinges on the detection of significant temperature changes for temperature-sensitive products like food, beverage, and pharmaceuticals. The sensor’s increased measurement frequency will make it safer and more effective to monitor temperature changes.
- Desk Occupancy: This use case will also benefit from the sensor’s increased measurement frequency. The capture of more data will facilitate the development of accurate peak identification algorithms in desk occupancy contexts.
Our Gen 2 Temperature Sensor with logging capabilities will be available in volume during the second quarter of 2021 while Triggering will come later in 2021.

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