
Top 5 Features of Our Gateway, the Cloud Connector

Shriya Dash
Product Marketing Manager

The Disruptive Technologies Cloud Connector is the gateway that relays data from our wireless sensors to the cloud. We often talk about what makes our sensors unique. Still, just like Sherlock Holmes couldn’t do without his sidekick Watson, the Cloud Connector provides crucial functionality that enables our sensors to shine. It is a component of our solution that ensures the data captured by the sensors is reliable, secure, and easy to access.

Today, we turn the spotlight on five key features of the Cloud Connector that contribute to making Disruptive Technologies sensor solutions exceptional.

Truly Plug & Play

The gateway is an essential communication channel between sensors and cloud services. However, significant investment is often required to install, pair sensors with the gateways, and expand the solution to accommodate future business needs.

Our plug-and-play gateway requires no setup or configuration. Once powered, the Cloud Connector will automatically connect to the cloud and relay data from nearby sensors. 

Secure Data Flow

The entire Disruptive Technologies sensor solution, including the Cloud Connector, has been designed with data security as a priority. We maintain end-to-end encryption as the data travels from the sensor through the Cloud Connector to the cloud.

Our specially designed protocol, SecureDataShot™, pairs sensors directly with users in the cloud rather than with a gateway. This design removes typical security weak points in some IoT architectures and simplifies implementation and maintenance. It safeguards the system’s security and protects data throughout its journey.

Unparalleled Scalability

System scalability allows a business to grow without being held back by its structure. One Cloud Connector can support tens of thousands of sensors, offering true flexibility and scalability. Again, the SecureDataShot™ protocol is behind this. It consumes minimal bandwidth, facilitating support to many sensors at once. 

The long wireless range between sensors and Cloud Connector easily covers large areas within a building, minimizing the need for additional investment in gateway infrastructure when scaling the solution.

Our Gateway, the Cloud Connector

Excellent Connectivity

Connecting to the cloud can pose challenges for some technologies, especially in certain locations. Another issue is that most gateways require businesses to incorporate a SIM card, meaning users must identify an available network and acquire a data plan for their devices.

The Disruptive Technologies Cloud Connector has a built-in SIM card (MVNO) with cellular roaming. An MVNO, or Mobile Virtual Network Operator, is a wireless communication services provider that does not own the wireless network infrastructure. Through its MVNO, the Cloud Connector will automatically connect and roam freely between the best cellular networks in the area, eliminating the need for users to manually manage network selection and data plans.

Continuous Data Flow

Because data reliability is so important, and we want to minimize customer dependency, we have built essential resilience features into our Cloud Connector. This design means that all sensors communicate with every available Cloud Connector but engage only with the nearest one.

If a Cloud Connector stops functioning or is no longer on site, sensors will automatically initiate a "failover" procedure by connecting to another nearby Cloud Connector. This safeguards data continuity without having to pair the sensors again with a new gateway. 

Bottom Line

Data from the real world is the benchmark for energy savings, complying with safety regulations, and optimizing space occupancy. The Cloud Connector is the device that connects the sensors and the cloud and provides the tie between data collection and analysis.

Offering a secure pairing between the sensor and the user, plug-and-play setup, scalability, and end-to-end security, the Cloud Connector is the unsung hero of Disruptive Technologies sensor solutions.

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